Feb 8, 2007

Pizza Sole
Well Carol came down today to take me to a birthday lunch! It was so nice to spend some time with her...since the last time I had dinner with her was...let me see ....Monday:) She picked me up at school and we went to Casa Mia and had our favorite Pizza of all time Pizza Sole. It has red and yellow tomatoes, basil, balslamic vinegar, and several types of cheese. Yum! We also had piece of the richest chocolate cake possible! Carol you rock!!!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Yes, I do rock, don't I? And the pizza was great as leftovers for dinner, too. But I'm a bad person. I didn't share. Gary said he wanted some, but I didn't believe him because there's no meat on that pizza - he usually won't eat pizza with no meat. Hey - you still haven't changed the link to my blog! The new one is carolcolvin-spot.blogspot.com. Call me about your flight to FL ASAP - the prices are going up every day!